Saturday, October 23, 2010

I Need a New Bag, Dammit!

It's true, I really do need one. I seriously haven't bought myself a grown up lady bag in a long time, maybe ever...:( Oh, the tragedy.
I was obsessing about this Michael Kors bag that lovely Marshall's was selling for about 40% off retail price, but the obsession has passed. I realized that maybe I want something not manufactured in China. Also, I really find Michael Kors to be irritating on Project Runway.

I'd be happy to receive or purchase any of these lovelies...

Smadar Shani leather tote

Ekaa leather bag   

Marketa leather mini clutches

Valhalla Brooklyn bag

Kinies canvas bag

Big Tree zipper bag

Paulina Carcach satchel

Saturday, October 9, 2010

10-10-10!!! Also it's my wedding anniversary

Dear Jes caketoppers
My husband, who I lovingly refer to as my hunky piece of man-meat, and I were married two years ago. Between the two of us this was 4th time we were experiencing a marriage ceremony so we decided to scrap the well-planned, gorgeous, detail oriented affair that I would have dreamed of doing (again...ahem) and sign ourselves up for a courthouse affair.Cost: $80!

Our guests, which numbered around 40, were invited via Facebook and arrived at the courthouse at 8:00am sharp in order to be processed through federal security (most weddings don't have security guards, so clearly we high rollers here). Due to the large number of attendees our lovely judge allowed us to get married in the courtroom rather than his cramped chambers.

Alas, the amount of wedding guests streaming into the courtroom inspired a variety pack of "interesting" witnesses who were seeking judgments, court-appointed attorneys and restraining orders to follow our group. Thus we were married in front of family, friends and felons on October 10th, 2008.

So, despite the fact that "wedding season" is over I dedicate this post to sweet finds for all those courthouse brides and grooms. Love you man-meat!  

Ellen Vintage silk clutch
Your Fairy Tale Wedding dress
Pixel and Hank boutonnieres
The Jewelry Chateau bracelet

My Pretty Little Things feather headpiece

Mary and Angelika silk bolero
Jewel Box Ballerina flower tutorials

Button Empire pinback buttons for marrieds

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Camping: Another great reason to stay at the Hilton.

So my oldest stepson is in the middle of his week-long Outdoor School experience somewhere in the great Oregon outdoors. He seemed excited enough, you know since he's a boy and, inexplicably, enjoys camping. As he departed I was struck by the memory of my own Outdoor School experience in sixth grade. That was back in the early 90's, pre-widespread general use of  cell phones and email. I distinctly remember feeling that I would probably never see my mom again since wherever I was seemed eons away from our comfy  Portland home. In fact I was only 30 miles away from home. But still...

Anyone who sort of knows me is well aware that I still HATE camping with a visceral passion that runs deep in my city girl veins. It's not the wilderness or nature or feral animals that bother me, I'm just fine with those things. It's the waking up in the middle of the night freezing, needing go to the bathroom sans indoor plumbing, runny nose and cold toes (hey, that rhymes), campfire-smell-that-never-leaves-your-clothes part that really irks me. Also, it's 2010, why are people sleeping in the woods? Shudder...

Now I'm not trying to turn a new leaf or anything (yes, that was an attempted pun), but I thought I would try to find some elegance in this entire  hell on Earth camping thing people seem so jazzed about. Rusticism (as long as it's part of well-intentioned decor and not too far from a Hilton) lives!
Pomp and Plumage boutonniere
Kylie Parry Studios woodland charms
Terrills Tiles, Save the Date magnets
Household Words chipmunk wall decal

Gray Works Design cake plate
Natural Sewn woolen acorns